California Cannabis Packaging Regulations and Label Laws

While medical marijuana in California has been legal for some time, the recreational industry is still up and coming. Therefore, your business needs to be aware of California cannabis packaging regulations.

These laws are in place for a few specific reasons. They help potential buyers:

Your inability to follow these laws can also result in various legal consequences. Therefore, we invite you to follow along as we discuss California’s cannabis compliance packaging.

Why Do You Need to Follow Cannabis Packaging Laws?

Cannabis packaging laws are essential for buyers to determine if a product is right for them. More specifically, labels often require specific information to provide buyers with knowledge of what’s in a product (i.e. THC count).

In California, only a dispensary can package and sell marijuana. This product must also be in an envelope or a container that says “intended for sale.” It must also include all the required information (see below).

Since cannabis is still federally illegal, packaging laws vary from state to state. Still, you need to follow some universal regulations. Below, we’ve laid out both types of laws here to ensure your California cannabis flower packaging is up to code!

California’s Cannabis Packaging and Label Guidelines

Laws for cannabis packaging in California are split into the following three articles. These are found in Subchapter 5 by the Office of Manufactured Cannabis Safety (OMCS):

Article 1. General Provisions

40400. Applicability.

The requirements in this section shall apply to finished cannabis products and shall not apply to cannabis or cannabis products that are transferred between licensees for the purpose of further processing or packaging.

40401. Release to Distributor as Finished Product.

Before the release of a product to a distributor, a licensee shall ensure that the product is in finished form and labeled/packaged in its final form for sale at a dispensary.

Article 2. Labeling Requirements §40403. General Provisions.

(a) Any information required to be listed on a label shall be written in English.

(b) A label shall be unobstructed and conspicuous.

(c) All required label information shall be unobstructed and conspicuous.

40405. Primary Panel Labeling Requirements.

(a) The label for a cannabis product shall include a primary panel with the following information:

(1) The identity of the product in a text size reasonably related to the most prominent printed matter on the panel;

(2) The words “cannabis-infused” immediately above the identity of the product in bold type and a text size larger than the text size used for the identity of the product;

(3) The cannabis product symbol as prescribed in Section 40412;

(4) The net weight or volume of the contents of the package;

(5) The THC content and CBD content for the package in its entirety, expressed in milligrams per package;

(6) The THC content and CBD content per serving, expressed in milligrams per serving; and

(7) The content of other cannabinoids or terpenes per serving if such information is verified by the certificate of analysis issued by a licensed testing laboratory under Business and Professions Code section 19344.

(b) The primary panel text must be in type size no less than 6-point font and be about the size of the primary panel and container.

California’s Cannabis Packaging and Label Guidelines

40408. Informational Panel Labeling Requirements.

(a) The label for a medical cannabis product shall include an informational panel with the following:

(1) The licensed manufacturer and its contact number or website address;

(2) The date of manufacture;

(3) Each of the following statements:


(4) A list of all product ingredients in descending order of predominance by weight or volume;

(5) If an edible product contains an ingredient, flavoring, coloring, or an incidental additive that bears or contains a major food allergen, the word “contains,” followed by a list of the applicable major food allergens;

(6) If an edible product, the names of any artificial food colorings contained in the product;

(7) If an edible product, the amount, in grams, of sodium, sugar, carbohydrates, and total fat per serving;

(8) The lot number;

(9) Instructions for use, such as the method of consumption or application, and any preparation necessary before use;

(10) The product expiration date, “use by” date, or “best by” date; and also

(11) The unique identifier.

(b) The informational panel text shall be in a type size of no less than 6-point font and about the size of the primary panel and container unless there is an insufficient area on the container available to print all the required information in a type size of no less than 6-point font. In such a case, the label shall include the warning statements required by paragraph (3) in a type size of no less than 6-point font, and the product shall be accompanied by supplemental labeling that includes all of the information required by this section. The text of the supplemental labeling shall be no less than 8-point font.

40410. Labeling Restrictions.

The label shall not contain any of the following:

(a) Claims that the manufactured cannabis or cannabis product was grown in a California county when the cannabis was not grown there.

(b) The name of a California county unless the cannabis was grown there.

(c) Content that is or designed to be attractive to individuals under the age of 21, including but not limited to:

(1) Cartoons;
(2) Any likeness to images, characters, or phrases that are popularly used to advertise to children; or
(3) Any imitation of candy packaging or labeling.

(d) False labeling information. Labeling is false if it is false or misleading in any particular.

(e) Claims of health benefits or other physical benefits.

40412. Cannabis Product Symbol.

The primary panel of a medical cannabis product shall be marked, stamped, or otherwise imprinted with the cannabis product symbol directly on the package.

(a) The symbol shall replicate the following in form and color:

California Universal Symbol

(b) The symbol shall be no smaller in size than half (.5) inch by half (.5) inch and shall be printed legibly and conspicuously.

Article 3. Packaging §40415. Packaging.

As per law, a package used to contain a cannabis product shall adhere to the following requirements:

(a) The package shall protect the product from contamination and shall not expose the product to any toxic or harmful substance.

(b) The package shall be tamper-evident, which means that the product shall be packaged in a container within which a product is sealed so that the contents cannot be opened without obvious destruction of the seal.

(c) The package shall be child-resistant, which means the package shall be designed or constructed to be significantly difficult for children under five years of age to open or otherwise obtain access to the product contained therein within a reasonable time, and shall not be difficult for normal adults to open or obtain access to the product contained therein. A package shall be deemed child-resistant if it satisfies the standard for “special packaging” as outlined in the Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970 Regulations (16 C.F.R. §1700.1(b) (4)).

(d) The package shall not imitate any package used for products typically marketed to children.

(e) If an edible product, the package shall be opaque.

(f) If the package contains more than one serving of cannabis product, the package shall be re-sealable so that child resistance is maintained throughout the life of the package.

Final Word

Need help navigating California’s cannabis packaging laws? We’re here to help! At Custom 420, we ensure all our custom packaging is designed to match state laws and regulations.

Not sure where to begin? We invite you to reach out through our contact form.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to package and sell cannabis edibles in California?

The details of California’s cannabis edibles packaging laws are detailed above. However, this state has some of the most stringent laws for packaging edibles.

What information must be in cannabis packaging in California?

The main things you need on a cannabis package are the product, its weight, and the universal symbol for CA-licensed cannabis products. However, as our guide entails, there is more to California’s cannabis packaging laws.