New Jersey Cannabis Packaging Laws and Labeling Requirements

New Jersey Cannabis Packaging Laws

If you operate in the Garden State’s marijuana industry, it’s essential to understand New Jersey cannabis packaging laws.

Why? Beyond the legal compliance, packaging and labeling laws are put in place for a reason. They’re for customers to identify with products immediately, get essential information, and determine whether or not it’s worth the buy.

The more innovative packaging laws are, the more convenient they are for customers. Overall, they make shopping a stress-free experience.

Do My Cannabis Products Follow State Regulations?

Those who sell marijuana products need to follow packaging laws for the sake of customer convenience. Failure to follow these laws can result in legal consequences.

In New Jersey, only a registered dispensary can package and sell marijuana in an envelope or a container mentioning “intended for sale.”

The label on all the packaged marijuana is a must. It also needs to mention the necessary information, such as strain type and weight in ounces or units. Highlighting the strain type is essential as it gives a quick overview of the product’s chemical profile.

Although there are some universal regulations related to cannabis and its derived products, New Jersey Has its own set of rules. We’ll be sure to document both.

These are the crucial factors of state-by-state guidelines on cannabis and cannabis products:

  • The minimum amount or net weight of the package
  • The license, batch, and serial number of the cultivation facility
  • Chemical info (THC, CBD potency)
  • Strain info (Indica, Sativa, or Hybrid)
  • Dates (cultivation, testing, expiry, etc.)
  • Necessary Warnings
  • Child-proof packaging
  • Tamper-proof packaging
  • Re-sealable packaging
  • Mandatory Universal logo/symbol
  • Optional “Not Safe for Kids” logo
  • Dimensions and color of the logo
  • Other additive or contaminants info on the label

New Jersey Cannabis Packaging Laws

New Jersey follows strict compliance with state laws and regulations for the dispensing of marijuana and derived products. These include:

Universal Symbol

First, we need package identification. The icon or logo is the first indicator to separate a cannabis product package from regular ones. To indicate that a consignment holds marijuana, all sellers should paste universal symbols to label the packages or containers.

As per law, the container may not have any depiction of the product, cartoon characters, or images – except the establishment’s logo.

Universal Logo

The universal symbol is mandatory to slap on each cannabis parcel. It features a red triangle crowned over a black-colored text that says ‘Contains THC,’ stamped with a black marijuana leaf in the center.

Not Safe for Kids Optional Logo

The other symbol is optional though equally important that says “Not Safe for Kids” and is enclosed in a red octagon.

The color and size of the symbol are very important to avoid confusion and reflect full compliance in labeling. When used on the marketing layer, the universal and optional symbols/ icons must be reproduced in black and red.

It is not acceptable in Marijuana Legalization Act to use a logo that is recreated, distorted, pixelated, and stretched. To follow full compliance, you must not to change the icon color or use it on a dark background.

Label Requirements

As per New Jersey’s cannabis packaging and labeling laws, you need to have the following on your product:

  • The ATC–plant cultivation shall place a legible, firmly affixed label containing the information specified below on each package of medical marijuana it dispenses to an ATC–dispensary and shall not dispense medical marijuana if the package does not bear the label.

The label required under the above shall contain the following:

  • The name and address of the alternative treatment center–plant cultivation that produced the medical marijuana;
  • The quantity of the medical marijuana contained within the package;
  • The date that the ATC–plant cultivation packaged the content;
  • A sequential serial number, lot number, and bar code to identify lot associated with manufacturing and processing;
  • The cannabinoid profile of the medical marijuana contained within the package, including THC level not to exceed 10 percent;
  • Whether the medical marijuana is of the low, medium, or high strength strain;
  • A statement that the product is for medical use by a qualifying patient and not for resale; and
  • A list of any other ingredients besides medical marijuana contained within the package.

Labeling shall be clear and truthful in all respects and shall not be false or misleading in any particular.

  • A label containing any statements about the product other than those specified in this chapter shall contain the following statement prominently displayed and in boldface type: “This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”

Final Word

Do you operate a cannabis business in New Jersey and are not sure where to begin? That’s where Custom 420 comes in!

Our team can produce packaging and labeling that ensures you meet the Garden State’s full compliance. Want to learn more? Reach out through our contact form.