Oklahoma Cannabis Packaging Regulations and Label Laws

Oklahoma Cannabis Packaging Laws

If you live in the Sooner State, your medical cannabis business always needs to stay updated when it comes to laws. Luckily, our guide details Oklahoma cannabis packaging regulations.

These guidelines are put into place so customers can:

  • Identify with a brand.
  • Understand essential information found within a product.
  • Determine whether or not they want the product.

Since Oklahoma is one of the largest medical industries in the state, it’s important to know the rules and regulations. We’ve laid them out to ensure your business meets these guidelines.

Are Your Cannabis Products Packaged According to Regulations?

Cannabis packaging in Oklahoma is only allowed by a registered dispensary. These businesses must ensure the marijuana is in an envelope or container that says “intended for sale.” On top of that, it must meet other label requirements (see below).

Since cannabis is still federally illegal, each state has its own guidelines when it comes to cannabis packaging. Oklahoma is no different but still follows some universal trends. These include:

  • The minimum amount or net weight of the package
  • The license, batch, and serial number of the cultivation facility
  • Chemical info (THC, CBD potency)
  • Strain info (Indica, Sativa, or Hybrid)
  • Dates (cultivation, testing, expiry, etc.)
  • Necessary Warnings
  • Child-proof packaging
  • Tamper-proof packaging
  • Re-sealable packaging
  • Mandatory Universal logo/symbol
  • Optional “Not Safe for Kids” logo
  • Dimensions and color of the logo
  • Other additive or contaminants info on the label

Oklahoma Cannabis Packaging Laws and Regulations

Still, specific laws pertain specifically to custom cannabis packaging in Oklahoma. Most notably, cannabis is only medically legal in the state. Therefore, dispensaries are only allowed to distribute to qualifying patients or caregivers.

On top of that, an Oklahoma cannabis business must abide by the following:

Universal Symbol

The icon or logo is the first indicator to identify cannabis packaging. To indicate that a consignment holds marijuana, Oklahoma State’s Cannabis Labeling requirements direct all the sellers to paste universal symbols to label the packages or containers.

Oklahoma Cannabis Packaging Warning Label

In Oklahoma, all packages and individually packaged product units, including but not limited to those from bulk packaging, must contain the Oklahoma Uniform Symbol (or universal symbol) in clear and plain sight.

The universal symbol must be printed no smaller than ½ inch x ½ inch (recommended .06″ x .085″) in size and be red with black text.

It’s not acceptable in the Marijuana Legalization Act to use a logo that is recreated, distorted, pixelated, and stretched. To follow full compliance, you are also required not to change the icon color or use it on a dark background.

Package and Label Laws

Oklahoma is known as the Wild West of weed. Low license fees, no license caps, inexpensive labor, and land costs make it easier for everyone to enter the cannabis industry. After the 2018 Farm Bill, most people in Oklahoma possess a patient card that allows them to purchase cannabis products.

The cannabis labeling and packaging guidelines in Oklahoma are as follows:

  • The packaging shouldn’t be made to look attractive to minors.
  • The packaging should only depict general information like the company name and product information.
  • False advertising, like medical claims and curative properties, is prohibited.
  • Packages must refrain from infringing or violating any federal trademark regulation or law. 

The label must contain the following important information:

  • Chemical profile (Terpenoid, THC, CBD potency)
  • Government warning statements for labeling, such as:
    • This product has been tested for contaminants.
    • Keep out of reach of children.
    • Women should not use marijuana or medical marijuana products during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects.
Oklahoma Cannabis Packaging Laws and Regulations

Child Resistant Packaging Guidelines

  • The design should be difficult for children under five to open.
  • It should be easy for normal adults to use.
  • Keep the packaging opaque so the product can’t be seen without opening the package.
  • Make it re-sealable to make the packages child-resistant and ideal for multiple openings if they contain multiple servings.

Labeling Essentials

  • Labels, packages, and containers shall not be attractive to minors nor contain any content that reasonably appears to target children, including toys, cartoon characters, and similar images. Packages should be designed to minimize appeal to children and shall not depict images other than the business name logo of the medical marijuana producer and the image of the product.
  • Packages and labels shall not contain any false or misleading statements.
  • No medical marijuana or medical marijuana products shall be intentionally or knowingly packaged or labeled to cause reasonable patient confusion as to whether the medical marijuana or medical marijuana product is a trademarked product.
  • No medical marijuana or medical marijuana products shall be packaged or labeled in a manner that violates any federal trademark law or regulation.
  • Packages and labels shall not make any claims or statements that the medical marijuana or medical marijuana products provide health or physical benefits to the patient.

Special Recommendations

  • Display information clearly and legibly.
  • Use English and at least 6-point font.
  • Ensure all required labeling is displayed on the outer layer of the packaging.
  • Small packaging that makes it challenging to fit required information on the outer layer may use an information panel to include some of the required information. Examples include: hang tags, peel-back labels, and inserts.

Final Word

Need an Oklahoma cannabis packaging distributor? While we aren’t located in the state, our team ensures to design packaging that abides by the above-mentioned laws and regulations.

In fact, Custom 420 has been partners with the Cowboy Cup (an Oklahoma cannabis competition) for the last four years. This involvement has given us insight into the state’s industry and specific regulations.

Want to learn more? We invite you to reach out through our contact form.